
Bel Canto

Bel Canto

The third dimension is characterized by manifestation in Time and Space. This is all it is and because Time is chronological, it is ephemeral.

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Soul Survival

Soul Survival

My final words for today are to find that which is immortal and give it more and more space to manifest because we are having a human experience in a vast Universe and our goal is to express ourselves in our roles, not to be cogs in a wheel, not to be copies of each other, and not to forget who we are. Don’t get lost in the turmoil.

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Time to Align

Time to Align

Earlier this month, we changed servers. As fate would have it, the IP we inherited had a history....

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If there is such a thing as a natural frequency that is constant, then any tuning that is not in harmony with that frequency would create dissonance and undermine society. This is not an original thought; Aristotle wrote about before the modern era.

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Verdi Don Carlo

Verdi Don Carlo

The New World had been looted and the gold and other riches had enhanced the wealth of Spain. On the surface, King Philip appeared to be the most powerful man in the world. The young were trapped in wars, the masses were tired of bloodshed, the streets were teeming with orphans, and the Protestants were giving the powers that be something to fear.

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Edith Piaf: La Vie en Rose

Edith Piaf: La Vie en Rose

What I felt after being totally gripped by the passion and poignancy of the biographical portrayal was how the gift from the Creator survives the wildest torments of incarnational existence.

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