This is my first post for 2022 and it will explore some features of the aura, but first I want to thank those who have sent support for my work. It relieved a lot of stress because things have been truly rough. An enormous project is in development but not yet funded. Everything will change when the project is able to launch. In the meantime, as I have said to a few people in the inner circle, it is chop wood and carry water, but there truly was not enough to survive so your kindness and willingness to share has been greatly appreciated.
There were only two comments about my music selections over the holidays. I hope that others enjoyed the music but were simply too busy to comment. Music is very, very important and can build or undermine civilization, but that is a subject for another time. Today I want to address what some people call the vital body or energy body and others call the etheric body or physical aura. We have many auras and these, for the record, are all still part of the third dimension, but the vital body is the densest of the many auras and the chakras that many people describe are features of this structure.
The Etheric Body
The etheric body consists of countless individual transporters of energy. Kirlian photographers have contributed to our understanding of how this feature of our incarnate bodies work, but they are not actually taking pictures of the aura. They are photographing what the aura “holds” from a very mild electrical impulse. People with extended vision can see the etheric body, but clairvoyant gifts vary from person to person. At the times when I had more visual gifts than at present, my attention was focused on other features, one of which included what we might call x-ray vision. It was constant for some years, and I could not turn it off, but I also saw many other kinds of auric phenomena so I am not the best qualified to discuss the etheric body, but I know enough to introduce a few important ideas.
As with lightning, Kirlian photographs capture the energy that is radiating,
not the downward or receptive energy, rather what is first grounded or anchored.
The lines in the etheric body are like transmitters and they carry vitality to the physical body. In Hawaii, this is called manna and in Ayurvedic medicine, the term is prana. What we learn from Kirlian photography is that when a part of an entity is separated from the main part, there is still vitality, but it dissipates. I will give two examples to make this as clear as possible. If a leaf is removed from a tree or some fruit is harvested, there is an aura for some time, but it continually lessens. According to Ayurveda, the prana is the part of our nutrition that is vitalizing, not the chemicals that we can still analyze months after the food has been packaged and stored. Let me state this another way because the mail I received over the holidays suggests that some people do not understand everything I write, but over the years, they have learned a lot. Subscribers all have different expertise and backgrounds so it’s often difficult for me to know exactly where to start. Today, I want to lay a foundation. The essence of what I just said about prana is that freshly harvested food has more health benefits than anything that has been stored because there is still a lot of energy. Also, energy is a resource and is much more important in terms of vitality and longevity than the other assets we might feel are essential. We cannot live without this energy.
The second example is the phantom limb phenomenon that some people experience after an amputation. It is usually very strong for some period of time and the person still feels sensations that are familiar. This is because the lines in this aura are directly connected to the nervous system so there will be synaptic responses so long as the aura has not reshaped itself. In theory, if there were any possibility at all of regeneration, as for instance, through stem cell therapy or the medbeds that were supposedly launched a few days ago on a trial basis, that regeneration would be easier if the aura were still in place. Restructuring the aura is an additional task and there are not many who have mastered it.
I am going to digress a little because I think case histories and stories are helpful even if the flow is interrupted a bit. Many, many years ago, I was consulted by twins who were born four minutes apart. They had both been in the backseat of car when there was a terrible accident. One brother became quadriplegic and the other thought his arm was broken, but it was actually only bruised. This is very important for astrologers because all charts need to be tested for the accuracy of the birth time . . . and this testing involves using events from the past to see if the recorded time is correct. If I had done this, I would have used the divorce of their parents and the auto accident to rectify the charts, but then the four minute difference would not have been reflected in the charts. In short, we always have to be very careful.
The uninjured brother took care of his twin faithfully for many years. I asked Nechung Rinpoche for help with the quadriplegic brother. This was several years after the accident so the aura was very much out of order at that point in time. Nevertheless, Nechung Rinpoche was able to restore a little bit of motion, not much.
In another case, there was a very bad injury when someone fell from the mast of a yacht onto the deck. In that instance, mystical treatments were introduced while he was still in the hospital and recovery eventually far exceeded the prognostications of the medical staff. He was part of a spiritual community, and there was a lot of support for alternative approaches.
Witnesses had reported seeing something like an enormous electrical spark coming from the tool he was using to perform repairs. This information helped enormously because we knew that part of the aura and the corresponding nerves would have been fried as if hit by lightning.
The point here is that what would be considered miracles by some people involve approaches to healing that are not taught in medical schools but they are correct approaches to healing even if the principles are not clearly understood outside esoteric circles.
The Aura
Next, I want to explain a few more details. The lines in the etheric body should be absolutely perpendicular to the surface of the body. They should be straight and evenly spaced.
Morrnah Simeona, one my mentors and a truly gifted healer, told a story about one of her past lives as a kahuna for King Kamehameha. Morrnah was a man in that lifetime and the king asked the kahuna to investigate the missionaries and find out what kind of people they were. The kahuna reported back that the teachings were not bad but the people had very little manna.
A normal haole aura is very short, perhaps only a quarter of an inch to a half of an inch. During the World Symposium on Humanity in Honolulu in the late seventies, I was sitting next to Morrnah on her right. There was a singer on stage with her right side facing the audience. As she inhaled, I saw something about 70 feet long and shaped like a parachute behind her. Then, she released the sound and the “parachute” reversed and came out the front, also about 70 feet. I rubbed my eyes and asked Morrnah, “Is that an aura?” Morrnah said, “Yes, and she is only one-sixteenth Hawaiian.” It certainly gave a context to the report submitted to King Kamehameha.
King Kamehameha
Sometime later, there was a retreat in Na’alehu, very important event for the 175 who attended. Psychic phenomena were dramatic throughout the ten days of the gathering. Many people were reporting different events, but one woman came to me and said she is very clairvoyant and sees auras and asked me why Morrnah did not have an aura. I asked her where she was standing when she came to that conclusion. The long and the short of it was she was standing inside the aura. The woman protested saying if that were the case, she would have felt the aura. I said, “No, because Morrnah has a personal ethic of purity so that no aka substance sticks to others if they walk through her energy field.” I suggested she climb a mountain and look for the aura. She did this and was sputtering when she returned. It was a totally new experience for her; and, yes, the vital body can be that enormous so perhaps those of us in these newer type physical bodies are actually mutants of some type.
I hope I have created a foundation for what comes next. After I moved from Hawaii to Santa Fe, I got involved with various other metaphysicians and, of course, patients. One of these was a prime force in a union for flight attendants, and I literally had hundreds of referrals at that time. The auras were all juxtaposed. They shifted far to the right. So, the reason for their curious symptoms was not pathological or psychological, it was energetic. Initially, I developed a very simple test using wire coat hangers that dry cleaners provided. I used these as dowsing rods and suggested that people practice so they can do the same experiments.
Start by going outside into the fresh air. Stand as far away as possible from the subject, let’s say 100 feet. Hold the “rods” one in each hand, tap them together. The part that goes over the rod should be at the top facing the subject. The hands hold the part where trousers would be held. The grip should be as loose as possible. Approach to subject slowly to see when the hangers part. Outdoors in fresh air, people should have a nice energy field, clear of interference. Now ask the person to touch anything electronic: battery operated device, light switch, on/off button of an appliance, and the repeat the test. The aura shrinks to almost nothing and it moves to the side, usually to the right. Actually, I have never seen it go to the left and this may be related to the role of spleen in processing energy. That is just a guess, but it is my best guess at this point in time.
I hope I have created a foundation for what comes next. After I moved from Hawaii to Santa Fe, I got involved with various other metaphysicians and, of course, patients. One of these was a prime force in a union for flight attendants, and I literally had hundreds of referrals at that time. The auras were all juxtaposed. They shifted far to the right. So, the reason for their curious symptoms was not pathological or psychological, it was energetic. Initially, I developed a very simple test using wire coat hangers that dry cleaners provided. I used these as dowsing rods and suggested that people practice so they can do the same experiments.
Start by going outside into the fresh air. Stand as far away as possible from the subject, let’s say 100 feet. Hold the “rods” one in each hand, tap them together. The part that goes over the rod should be at the top facing the subject. The hands hold the part where trousers would be held. The grip should be as loose as possible. Approach to subject slowly to see when the hangers part. Outdoors in fresh air, people should have a nice energy field, clear of interference. Now ask the person to touch anything electronic: battery operated device, light switch, on/off button of an appliance, and the repeat the test. The aura shrinks to almost nothing and it moves to the side, usually to the right. Actually, I have never seen it go to the left and this may be related to the role of spleen in processing energy. That is just a guess, but it is my best guess at this point in time.
Okay, so what happens with something as simple as touching a light switch is that the aura shifts. This means that the energy system is out of alignment. So try to imagine that there are lines that should energize the kidneys, but now that part of the vital body is juxtaposed 20 feet or more to the right. So, we wonder why the adrenals are robbing energy from the thyroid which, of course, is also functioning suboptimally but the adrenals always have first dibs on energy because we can’t live without them.
Once thinking this through and exploring our daily routines, we may now be able to estimate the interference with the normal system and make adjustments to reduce EMF to a minimum. Think of all the appliances you run, where you spend the most time, and what you can disconnect at night. As you know, I have been renting out EMF meters for some years and have reported a bit now and then. Anyone can find the hot spots. Sometimes, there is a relatively simple solution. For example, the circuit board in my dishwasher was not only “hot” but right at the height of my solar plexus. There were two solutions. First, when the cycle is finished and the clean light comes on, turn off the dishwasher. The message is not needed one it has been seen. Second, move the work space to another part of the counter. In my house, the dishwasher is to the left of the sink. I moved the area for cutting vegies and mixing things to the right of the sink. Anyone can do this so that is my second suggestion for 2022. Organize your work spaces to minimize electromagnetic interferences. If you spend time at the computer, hardwire it and turn off the router if you have one. I am completely hardwired and do not use any wireless devices. My laptop is in airplane mode.
From a medical perspective, I do not think we ever adjust to electromagnetic influences. Perhaps, an accommodation is made but it can only be partial at best. I don’t have what we would call scientific proof because I am using observations that skeptics might not even accept as real, but if the world is moving in the direction of vibrational or energetic healing, it is important to understand how this system is supposed to work. So, first, let’s add some words to our vocabulary. The little wavy lines in the aura don’t really have an English name. They are called nadi in Sanskrit so I will refer to them as nadi. The nadi correlate to the nervous system, meaning they transport energy via the nervous system. To function correctly, they must be straight and perpendicular to the skin and the physical body should be perfectly centered within the aura. Everything needs to be in alignment.
When I rely on vibrational healing, I start by clearing the energy field. This can be done with music, with energy, with singing bowls, rain sticks, or hands. No energy should be “applied” until the energy field itself is positioned properly and organized in the best way possible. The place itself should be as natural as possible: outdoors where there are no cell towers or cell phones or in a cave, but this has a few of its own challenges. Outdoors would be best. Indoors is also fine if there are no interferences. Once the extraneous issues have been addressed, we try to straighten out the nadi BEFORE energy is transferred to the nadi.
There are many types of devices for applying energy but this method of healing actually goes back at least to Lemurian Times. I want to suggest it is possibly the oldest form of healing there is. According to esoteric traditions, the Lemurians were the third “human” race. The Atlanteans were the fourth and we are the fifth but some people seem to be part of the sixth race. Before the Lemurians, “people” did not have physical bodies. They only had auric bodies so I believe that if something was not functioning correctly, the adjustments were made to the aura so this form of healing is probably very ancient and does not really require any machinery if trained healers are able to perform the work needed.
When a person takes responsibility for his or her vibratory health, others also benefit so there is eventually a hundredth monkey effect in which our shared experiences and consciousness entrain others so getting into alignment is actually a gift not only to oneself but to others. When machines are used, they operate on frequencies so others are impacted whether consent was offered or not. This is what we see with technology. I have not consented to bombardment from radio, television, and other sources of EMF. I am simply living at a time when transmission over frequencies is almost ubiquitous. So, we do the best we can, and some people will be more sensitive than others because their nadi are longer. Unless people understand that sensitivity varies, it is impossible to have a reasonable conversation about health and safety.
Morrnah sometimes said things like, “Doesn’t she know who she really is?” Well, most of us do not know because we are tangled up in a soup of irrelevant interferences. We would be shocked if we lived in a cave in the remote Himalayas or elsewhere and simply became one with who we really are: no radio, no television, no teachers, no Internet, and just oneself and one’s thoughts and feelings.
In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, a distinction is made between the conditioned mind and the unconditioned mind. The conditioned mind is a catalogue of what we have learned and how we reacted to the experiences and information in our lives. It will be different for each person but heavily influenced by what we might generously call the propaganda of civilization, our civilization and its beliefs and conflicts. The unconditioned mind is absolutely pure. It sees things as they are without prejudices or judgment.
So, when we accept an influence, we are allowing our minds to be conditioned. Unfortunately, this includes a lot of toxic intrusions. Every time we purify our own vibrations and communications, we contribute to the betterment of life in general.
We can reflect on this. Every time someone becomes less threatening, others do not have to defend themselves much less suffer from fear, anger, bitterness, and despair. In such matters, every little improvement is actually enormous.
Copyright by Dr. Ingrid Naiman 2022
First Posted to Subscribers on 7 January 2022
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