Goodbye 2022
My custom for the end of each year has been to take the countries in the news and post a few comments along with videos showing the culture of the countries. In 2022, though the virus risks and myths continued to dominate the news, there has been increasing concern over the fighting in Ukraine. As a pacifist, I have a zero tolerance for violence of any type. Even if there are huge issues requiring solutions, true leaders would explore those issues thoroughly, often with the assistance of neutral parties. For instance, if there are territorial disputes, the first step could be to have an internationally hosted plebiscite so that the residents of the disputed areas could decide for themselves which country they favor.
After the end of the reign of the British Raj in India, the country divided, mainly on the basis of religion. First there were two Pakistans, East and West, but later Bangladesh separated and became independent. Sometimes divisions are forced on countries and reunification follows after some period of time. We saw this with Germany and later in Vietnam. The Berlin Wall came down without a war. Sadly, this was not the case in Vietnam. I was with the State Department in Vietnam from early December 1966 to June 1968, yes, during the Tet Offensive. From my perspective, there was zero reason for any foreigners to be involved in the senseless war. As the war became increasingly unpopular, the Flower Child movement gained momentum. It may be too early to make predictions, but a similar movement might be building momentum in Russia. Countless people have expatriated — as also happened in the U.S. during the sixties — and many others are waving white flags.
Governments, as we hardly need reminding, can be incredibly corrupt, but it does not mean that young people can be used as cannon fodder to bolster some sinister agenda. Today is the not the day for a sermon. I want to celebrate the people, starting with the Russian people . . . whose culture is really not so different from the Ukrainian.
Ballet was popular in Western Europe long before Russia developed it to its current level. The video below is as acrobatic as it is elegant. This is from Act II of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Ballet.
This is a good way to keep warm in winter. The dances by the men where they and squatting and kicking is called prisyadka. This is a form of dance common to both Ukraine and Russia. The group featured below is Ukrainian. It is colorful, lively, and thoroughly delightful.
During this year, there have been some trouble spots in South America as well. Brazilians are demonstrating over election “results” and Incans in Peru are trying to end the tyranny of colonialism. This is something dear to my heart because I have such a strong feeling about the Andes. Once upon a time, there was a 25,000 mile long road from Chile and Argentina north to Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia. It was called Qhapaq Ñan meaning “royal road” in the Quechua language. As we know, history is written by the victors, but the Incan Empire was vast. It was decimated by smallpox and some leaders came to believe it was time to return to the Pleiades. It was said that 100,000 Incans allowed themselves to be massacred by a Spanish force of 168 soldiers. They did not fight. They chose to die. Obviously, not everyone died. Many retreated into more remote areas; however, what is being reported now is that Incans want to restore their culture and break the yoke that has haunted them for hundreds of years.
Brazil is famous for its Carnaval. This is short but dramatic.
I have Moon in Sagittarius in the 9th house and have traveled most of my life, including at least three visits to Iran in the 60s. I found women very modern in their thinking and behavior when only with other women. In public, they conformed to tradition. Today’s stereotype of Iran does not speak to its glorious history and rich culture. In the 6th century B.C. or even earlier, there was Zoroaster, the founder of the Persian religion before Islam. He was recognized by the Baháʼí Faith which was also founded in Iran. Anyone who has visited Isfahan or Shiraz would be in awe of the ancient culture.
Copyright by Dr. Ingrid Naiman 2022
First Posted to Subscribers on 22 December 2022
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