
Bel Canto

Bel Canto

The third dimension is characterized by manifestation in Time and Space. This is all it is and because Time is chronological, it is ephemeral.

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Soul Survival

Soul Survival

My final words for today are to find that which is immortal and give it more and more space to manifest because we are having a human experience in a vast Universe and our goal is to express ourselves in our roles, not to be cogs in a wheel, not to be copies of each other, and not to forget who we are. Don’t get lost in the turmoil.

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Lion’s Gate Portal

Lion’s Gate Portal

Yucatan is roughly 20N latitude and Sirius rises at 24 Cancer, so around the 15th of July, it rises with the Sun.  It rises at 24 Cancer but only with the Sun once a year and this is also the beginning of the new year for Mayans.

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